NEW EP out now!
[the Band]
Luna's Affair EP, LEAP
Jens Impgaard
Henrik Rohde Jensen
Andrew Murray
Jan Achmann
[the Story]

Luna’s Affair is a hard-hitting rock band formed by ex-members of the defunked, danish 80’s hardrockers L.A. and the great voice of british Andrew Murray - a powerful blend of raw energy and authentic rock’n roll . Deeply grounded in L.A.’s legacy, Luna’s Affair continues to infuse life into the true rock sound. The former members of L.A. and the vocal wrecking machine, Andrew Murray, bring their experience and passion to Luna’s Affair, resulting in an exciting fusion of musical talent and background.

With vocals that cut through, powerful guitars on top of a rhythm base with the energy of a thousand gallons of gasoline, they manage to capture the essence of classic hard rock and serve it up with a modern edge.

So put your life on the line and step into the world of Luna’s Affair and feel the rush of genuine hard rock. With their dedication to the roots of the genre and their ability to forge a new path, they continue to shake up the rock world, proving that proper and honest rock never goes out of style and that …

Spirits Never Die
[the Music]

[the Contact]
All photos by Kim Skovsby, Skovsby Photograph /